Showing posts from 2021
They didn’t have F-15s or nukes. And they didn’t need them.
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You say you want an insurrection? Well, you know...
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If this was an "insurrection", and the Capitol Police allowed the "insurrectionists" into the Capitol, why are the Capitol Police not being investigated? If the "insurrectionists" entered the Capitol with the approval of the Capitol Police, does it qualify as an insurrection? Either the Capitol Police assisted insurrectionists in a treasonous attempt to overthrow the government, or there was no insurrection at all. There’s no real middle ground.
Sometimes it pays to read the comments
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A few days ago, a Gab post about--let's just go ahead and say it: pooping outdoors-- started making the rounds at WRSA . Of course, anyone who has ever been in middle school can be excused for getting a slight case of the giggles when a conversation turns toward the scatological. Indeed several of the comments on the post were somewhat adolescent in nature. However, the subject of the post was serious, and a good number of comments were actually helpful. One particular set of comments stood out to me. It came after several anecdotes about soldiers and their experiences answering nature's call while in nature. I think these comments aren't just about soldiers: they apply to us all... @PatriotReactor Tell me; is the average soldier really as tough as the commercials make them out to be? @Miradus @PatriotReactor No idea. Everyone whines, cries, and complains sometimes about something. Everyone is situationally tough. Can you be tough for a week when you'r...
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"
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I did something that many who read political blogs often do — I clicked a link in the blog roll section of a fellow blogger’s site. But instead of finding commentary on current events from a different point of view, I found this: The decision I’ve made today has been a long time coming. I started blogging back in 2008 thinking my words combined with clever Photoshops™, political cartoons, a blogroll of fellow conservatives in the blogosphere and funny videos as a change of pace for my readers would somehow make a difference in a sick and twisted world. It has not. I have been at this labor of love for twelve years. I’ve made a lot of friends along the way. They were a support system that was invaluable to me and I can never thank them enough for their guidance and counsel. The world is burning all around us. Just when I thought things in this country were actually starting to turn around after the disastrous eight years of the Obama Administration, I learned along with you all that the...