“"We carp about the level of violence and at the same time are running an in-your-face society. All things considered, it is much more peaceful than it should be."
A few days ago, a Gab post about--let's just go ahead and say it: pooping outdoors-- started making the rounds at WRSA . Of course, anyone who has ever been in middle school can be excused for getting a slight case of the giggles when a conversation turns toward the scatological. Indeed several of the comments on the post were somewhat adolescent in nature. However, the subject of the post was serious, and a good number of comments were actually helpful. One particular set of comments stood out to me. It came after several anecdotes about soldiers and their experiences answering nature's call while in nature. I think these comments aren't just about soldiers: they apply to us all... @PatriotReactor Tell me; is the average soldier really as tough as the commercials make them out to be? @Miradus @PatriotReactor No idea. Everyone whines, cries, and complains sometimes about something. Everyone is situationally tough. Can you be tough for a week when you'r...
More wisdom from Daniel Greenfield : Gun control isn’t about stopping gun violence, but disavowing moral responsibility for preventing it, passing the buck to the cops, to society, and to some force outside our control. Gun control rallies are the virtue signaling of moral cowards seeking to blame someone else for horrors that they cannot cope with and that they do not intend to take any personal action to prevent. Disarmament, national or personal, is not a moral stance, but the abandonment of morality. Gun controllers have had a field day with the inaction of the Uvalde cops, but it never occurs to them that’s who they are, standing around, wringing their hands and waiting for someone to tell them what the plan is, so they don’t have to make any difficult choices in the face of a crisis. Gun control is the moral idiocy of the irresponsible blaming those who have taken responsibility.
If this was an "insurrection", and the Capitol Police allowed the "insurrectionists" into the Capitol, why are the Capitol Police not being investigated? If the "insurrectionists" entered the Capitol with the approval of the Capitol Police, does it qualify as an insurrection? Either the Capitol Police assisted insurrectionists in a treasonous attempt to overthrow the government, or there was no insurrection at all. There’s no real middle ground.
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